The Classroom goes virtual! (and 8 reasons why I think it will be more valuable)
Apr 14, 2020
To pivot (verb): to turn or rotate around a central point.
That central point is Covid 19, and The Classroom is turning virtual!
In the beginning of this lockdown I was sad and worried. I was sad that the business I had spent five years building could no longer exist (until such time as the world returns to normal), worried about how to pay the bills, sad that I could no longer spend my days doing what I love with groups of cool NZ businesses who inspire me no-end and worried about those businesses and their future too.
Going online is something I’ve toyed with for years but always resisted because I love the personal interactions and I think there is so much value in group learning, not to mention the awesome networking opportunities that it brings. And you can’t run an 8 hour workshop online!! Who would sit there for 8 hours? No-one…that’s who.
But the more I thought about it, and thought about it and thought about it…….(lockdown has been good for some things, huh) I realised that there was a way I could continue my workshops online, still provide the networking opportunities and it COULD actually be MORE valuable for my students. And my reason for existing has always been to give as much value as possible to kiwi businesses wanting to use social media to achieve their business goals.
So I’ve come up with a format that I believe is more valuable for my students. (How it works and content overview here
How I hear you ask?
MORE CONTENT – In total there will be at least 10 hours of content VS the usual 7ish.
MORE DETAIL – I can dedicate more time to some subjects that get lightly touched on in the in-person workshop due to the additional time.
·You can REWATCH the content over and over with access to the content for 6 months.
It’s delivered in BITE-SIZED pieces– you don’t have to concentrate for the whole day!
IT’S CHEAPER - You have to supply your own, venue, wi-fi, catering and lollies….BUT the cost of the two workshops combined will be MUCH less than a full day one (final costs TBC).
It’s CONVENIENT! You don’t have to take a day off work and can catch up on the webinars when it suits while still getting to ask questions.
·You’ll STILL get all your QUESTIONS ANSWERED and it might actually be easier to ask questions for the shy ones amongst you.
You’ll still be exposed to valuable NETWORKING opportunities and learn from others through the Facebook group.